
夜明珠是一种稀有的宝石生化危机4配置 ,夜明珠是地球大地内的一些发光物质经过了几千万年,由最初的火山岩浆喷发,到后来的地质运动,集聚于矿石中而成。古称“随珠”、“悬珠”、“垂棘”、“明月珠”等。夜明珠历来为皇室和王公贵族私有。据史籍记,早在史前炎帝神家时就已出现过夜明珠,如神农氏有石球之王号称“夜矿”。春秋战国时代轻淘客 ,如“悬黎”和“垂棘之璧”,价值连城,可比和氏璧。汉光武皇后的弟弟郭况“悬明珠与四垂,昼视之如星,郑恩柏 夜望之如月”以炫耀其富有。唐有车时,一颗名为“水珠”的夜明珠,售价亿万。
Pearl is a rare gem, pearl is the earth's some luminous material after tens of millions of years, from the initial volcanic magma eruption, to the later geological movement, gathered in the ore. Ancient name "with beads"说再见不再见 , "hanging beads", "vertical spine", "moon beads" and so on. The pearl has always been the private property of royalty and nobles. According to historical records, as early as in the prehistoric yan emperor god home has appeared overnight pearl, such as shennong shi ball king known as "night mine". In the spring and autumn and warring states periods, such as "xuanli" and "bi of chuangji" were of great value. Guo guo, the younger brother of queen guangwu of han dynasty异世悠闲日子 , showed off his wealth by "hanging pearls and four penises, like stars in the daytime and moon in the night". When tang owned a car, a night pearl named "water drop" sold for billions.

古往今来,各个国家、各民族及各宗教都将夜明珠视作奇珍,自皇权时代开始,更是被各国皇室收罗为顶级国宝私藏。被称作是穿越时空的宝物,一直是人们寄托美好希冀的载体和追逐财富的象征,是千百年来收藏家们孜孜以求而难以擒获的奇珍异宝。收藏价值极高!御藏国际此夜明珠重约1.96kg,入手沉淀,呈椭圆状。在常光下呈米黄色主色调。兼有玉石之润,钻石之灿,且转之,流光熠熠。置其于暗室钱钟书故居 ,自然呈现有莹亮青绿之色,发出由绿到白的荧光,如皓月般光亮美丽,是一件极为难得的藏品。
Throughout history, various countries, ethnic groups and religions have regarded the pearl as a treasure. Since the time of imperial power, it has been collected by the royal families of various countries as a top national treasure. Known as a time-travel treasure, it has always been the carrier of people's beautiful hopes and the symbol of wealth pursuit. It is also a rare treasure that collectors have been assiduously pursuing for thousands of years and difficult to capture. Collection value is very high! Yuzang international this pearl weighs about 1.96kg and is elliptical in shape. Show cream-colored mass-tone attune below normal light. There are jade run, diamond can, and turn it高浩元 , shining. Placed in a dark room, it naturally appears bright green color, emitting fluorescence from green to white, as bright and beautiful as the moon, is a very rare collection.

今时今日,夜明珠身价更是一路飙升,千万甚至上亿元成交者亦有之。该夜明珠晶莹绚丽,实属珍奇,圆滑而光润,仿佛大翡翠一般可爱掘越二郎 ,莹莹磷光,耀之一室,使人不禁喜爱。若悬之于书刊之上爱乐团成员,则可清楚观书页之字迹。此颗罕见的夜明珠保存完好,不论其科研价值还是收藏价值都远超于地球上的许多珍贵文物玄苑吧 。
Today, the value of the pearl is soaring all the way, even hundreds of millions of yuan of transactions have it. The bright pearl is really rare, smooth and smooth, as lovely as a big emerald, yingying phosphorescent light, one of the room, one can not help but love. If it hangs over a book徐汇臻园 , you can read the handwriting on the page clearly. This rare pearl is well preserved, and its scientific research value and collection value far exceeds many precious cultural relics on earth.


Da, Shenzhen
Time: April 9 - start 10: 00 - 18: 00
Location: 701, Floor 7, Block A, Sunshine Center田建民 , Nanshan District洁牙素, Shenzhen City
Categories: Chinese painting and calligraphy, porcelain铁煤集团 , jade, furniture, national stone seal, antique rare curiosa, rare books, celebrity letters, stamp coins, signature collection金鼎大佛 , gold and silver objects
Tel: ( 86 )18813985764
Contact:Miss yang
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